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Downtown Roof Grant Program Announced

A partnership betwBad roofeen the Ottumwa Regional Legacy Foundation and the City of Ottumwa has produced a unique opportunity for downtown property owners.  With the recently announced Downtown Roof Grant program, provided from a $75,000 grant from ORLF, the city’s planning and development department can add roofing as an option to its Downtown Area Revitalization Grant Program.  “This program provides city developers one more tool to add to their toolbox,” said Kelly Genners, Director of Community Leadership & Grant-Making.  “It is also an integral piece to our comprehensive approach to downtown revitalization.”


The program was created in response to the large number of buildings located within the business district that have roof problems.  Providing incentives to property owners to repair their roofs helps to arrest the further deterioration of the building. The goal of the program is to save buildings and provide space that is available for commercial, retail and upper story housing occupancy further stimulating economic growth and retail and business expansion within the district.

For more information about how to apply for the Roof Grant Program, contact the City of Ottumwa Planning and Zoning Department at  641-683-0606.