We invite you to click into the areas below to find opportunities to partner with us by submitting your application to our Foundation through the various grant-making and program areas.
Bright Ideas Community Enrichment Fund
The Bright Ideas Community Enrichment Fund supports the charitable intentions of the various 501(c)3 organizations that serve to enrich the quality of life for the residents of the City of Ottumwa and Wapello County.

Direct Strategic Grants
When our group of visionary leaders sat down to begin laying out the strategic plan that would serve as our roadmap for the next 3-5 years there were more than fifty different ideas and initiatives on the table for discussion.

Nonprofit Capacity Support Programs
ORLF is focused on creating an inclusive Capacity Building Program designed to provide education, expertise and support to strengthen the nonprofit sector of Wapello County.

Robert McCune Endowment
The Robert F. McCune Endowment assists cancer patients, facilities and programs of the City of Ottumwa and Wapello County.

Laboratory Control Ltd. Health Career Scholarship
The Laboratory Control Ltd. Health Career Scholarship invests in the education of those students that may look to southeast Iowa for employment in health care following the completion of their studies.

Classroom Champions: Teacher Mini Grant
We recognize that many teachers and associates use their own personal funds to enrich the student experience in their class and we want to help! This mini grant program is for the following schools in Wapello County: Ottumwa, Cardinal, Eddyville, Seton Catholic, Ottumwa Christian, and Head Start.