"I believe what you take from the community, you must also give back."
- Robert F. McCune
The Robert F. McCune Endowment was created to carry on the same tradition of compassion embodied by its namesake Robert McCune. The Robert F. McCune Endowment is a restricted endowment consisting of a single unified fund of resources where the investment income is dispersed to assist the cancer patients, facilities and programs of the City of Ottumwa and Wapello County.
Eligibility Criteria for Funding Requests
Subsidized care for underinsured or uninsured patients requiring medical treatment. Patients applying for subsidy must meet requirements as outlined in the Financial Assistance Application available at the McCreery Cancer Center
Building and ground improvements, expansion of facilities and upgraded technology to centers providing local cancer treatment
Provide opportunities for continuing education for medical professionals who specialize in the treatment of cancer
Provide assistance to survivor and family support programs
Support opportunities for cancer awareness education
Proposal Process
Proposals made to the Robert F. McCune Endowment shall be reviewed by the McCune Endowment Advisory Committee. This committee, with member representation from the McCreery Cancer Center, Legacy Foundation staff and board, and other constituencies as deemed appropriate, will determine how best to utilize earnings of the fund and make recommendation for disbursement to the Legacy Foundation Board of Directors for final approval. Applications are accepted at any time.
To Apply for Funding
To inquire about funding opportunities for the McCune Endowment, please contact:
Amy Nossaman
Making a Gift to the Endowment
By giving to the Robert F. McCune Endowment, you will become a partner in helping those with cancer fight this deadly disease. Memorial or tribute gifts may also be made and serve as a permanent expression of love, honor and recognition for those persons who have made a significant impression on your life. If requested, your generous gift will be acknowledged to the person or family you identify.
Gifts may be sent to
Legacy Foundation
Robert McCune Endowment Fund
111 E. Main Street
Ottumwa, Iowa 52501